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Mutual Funds

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Advantages of Debt Fund over Fixed Deposits

  Even though most parents and grandparents are using fixed deposits for the most of their lives, there are some benefits of using debt fund that will help you beat inflation and...

Mutual Fund Scheme Rationalization

  Money is one of those areas that demand high levels of prudence and alertness at all points of time. It is important to have high levels of focus to money-related issues...
high returns investment in India

Mistakes Indians Make to Destroy Their Financial Lives

  Mistakes Indians Make to Destroy Their Financial Lives Financial Roadmap is an integral part of our daily lives. Irrespective of whether we are millionaires or people with decent jobs, it is not...
tax planning

How to Reduce Tax by Investing in Wife’s Name

One of the best advises that Finance Planners offer to couples is to combine their finances while planning their taxes. Combining the finance of couples together helps them handle tax in...
Many salary components are fully taxable and some are partially taxablevideo

Setting SMART Financial Goals- Your Guide to Financial Freedom

  Everyone has financial goals even though we don’t really call them as “goals”. When asked what their financial goals are, most people tend to keep it simple by replying that they...
Complete Guide on Income Tax Refund Best Taxsaving Plans In india, best financial Planing in india,

Complete Guide on Income Tax Refund

Paying Income Tax in set periodicities is the responsibility of all citizens who fall in the Income Tax bracket. The Income Tax Department of India has set clear cut rules and...



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